Find comfort in it…

The Career Field

As a young adult, the career field is a scary place. I love that we have the option to pick what we want to do but there seems to be so many downsides to all these jobs. I want to work where I want to work, when I want to work, doing what I feel like doing… is that asking a lot??

Different people I talk to all have different experiences finding jobs, and love hearing about my job hunt. I noticed more successful people are very interested in young peoples’ success maybe because they can vicariously live through us and feel happy for us. It gives them something to look forward to? I just know they love it. Young people don’t really care. We all have this sort of competition going on but nobody acknowledges it. Everybody wants you to win but they don’t know how they can help, but if you win big, they love to support it. Crazy how that works. 

Getting into the job market is hard and I think the biggest challenge is finding something you actually want to do. Most people have jobs they don’t truly love or enjoy but it seems rare to find. Many people can’t start their own business or aren’t willing to. All I want is my own business but even starting that is so tough! I struggle to decide what final idea I want to build because I have so many. I think maybe I could execute one every couple of years and sell it or hand it off to someone else. I do many different things but maybe something will stick if I lock in on it. I know what I like to do but it’s almost time to find what I have to do. 

I’m on the way to the job market, while building my music and media empire in the background unofficially. Some branch of this business will be functional the right way someday soon. 

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