Find comfort in it…

Why Do We Blog?

I am on my third blog post. I’m currently at the Dekalb library and actually wasn’t going to post today. I sat down and made the decision between the time I opened my laptop and got connected to the internet. I’m almost surprising myself with how much I like this, I’ve thought about it at least 10 times today. Maybe it’s just a “new thing” kinda feeling…idk.

I wondered to myself why do I post? Why does anyone publish a blog? I was looking at how often other people post and people look at this as a business venture (side hustle but business nonetheless. People make a schedule for this and post daily just to hopefully monetize in the future! I guess they actually want to contribute concrete substance to the internet…while I just write to get thoughts out of my head. Anyway I found myself with a few minutes of free time and decided I would post. I wonder if it’s the creation of something that makes me want to do this, or if it’s a form of therapy (nah). The idea that someone can read it and relate maybe. I always want to talk about many different things but I feel like each post should have it’s own vibe, and purpose. It’s like it’s a challenge to myself just to make a captivating story or post. It’s like a form of social media that isn’t so mindless like Instagram (ugh).

Why do people who spread knowledge through this post blogs? Why not just make a website or start a business about whatever it is you are writing about? If I wrote about cars everyday I feel like I would start a website for cars and car facts or comparisons or whatever car people do. Is it the joy of spreading information that makes people keep doing it or is that the business in itself? The chance of monetizing off of what you love. I guess everyone wants to be the main character in their story. Hopefully through this I can figure some stuff out as well. Maybe one day I’ll be able to answer all these damn questions right? Or maybe write a book. Now I’m gonna do some real work, nice chat.

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